miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Presentation about multiple Intelligences - Round III

 On the last exposition day, we were taught with Intrapersonal, Existential, and Naturalist Intelligence. They were very educational and the activities were fun and amusing. 

For the Intrapersonal Intelligence our classmates had to express feelings through some papers that had a face representing sadness, happiness, anger, and so on.

For the Naturalist Intelligence our classmates gave us characteristics as every intelligence and what we were all waiting for... the activity; in the activity, they had a mystery box where our peers had to take their hands in and guess what was inside, some were nervous since they had no clue about the object. You should have seen this at the right moment in class: 

And the last group was the best of them, ours. Ja ja ja. All groups did really good. Were presented the existential intelligence which was somewhat hard because is the last intelligence discovered by Howard, so, it required some good research to be able of giving the best exposition possible.

For the activity time, Jonathan carried out the activity where there were 4 groups of 5 or 6 people. Firstly, they gave compliments to each other and then discussed an existential question such as What is death? What is life? and so on. It was a good and dynamic activity and made us think deeper about this type of question.

This is how we finished our expositions and learned about the type of Intelligence throughout the weeks. Stay with me for the next entries because we have more to learn in the following classes.

See you!!! 

martes, 28 de marzo de 2023

Presentations about multiple intelligences - Round I - II

 These past few days, we have had great presentations from our peers. It was very educative regarding the types of intelligence there are, and I knew more about what I am good at. If you want to know about them I suggest you check my last Entry (https://fersbloger.blogspot.com/2023/03/multiple-intelligences.html) where I give a brief summary of what the Intelligences are about.

Here I will show you my classmates giving their best in the presentations... Let's see...

The first Intelligence presented was Spatial Intelligence which I consider it one of my best, in some areas though jajaja I can not be fully good at them. 

We had an activity where we should build a rectangle with pieces forming squares and triangles ending in a rectangle. It seemed easy but it was hard. The following image was the piece we were challenged to form.

The next week we had the Logical-mathematical Intelligence presentation. I believe most of us did not like this kind of Intelligence because we are not good at math. But, it does not mean it is only about it, it can be something more logical such as puzzles, mazes, or memory games. We had the next activity.

And, here is an example os the game the group implemented in the classroom.

For the following topic we had the Kinesthetic Intelligence where people can learn through body movement some words, communication, and so on. This is very useful when learning new languages too. As an activity we had some mimic game where we competed against other teams. 

We were by far the best team. Nothing we can brag about, but it is what it is jaja.

Finally, we had the linguistic and musical intelligence presented by two different groups. I need to be honest and say that musical Intelligence is my weakness, I am not good at all.

And, this is how we concluded the 1st and 2nd presentations of this 2nd period. The following week I have my group's presentation, stay aware so you will know what we did. 

See you soon!!

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Multiple Intelligences

 As part of the topics develop along the course, we now study the different types of intelligence there are.

I'm sure that we all have a bit of each intelligence, nonetheless, you will boost one or two specific intelligence that will build you as part of your personality. Let me introduce them, and I will show you a poll to know what intelligence I have developed the most.

- linguistic intelligence: also known as verbal intelligence, here people develop their verbal skills and sensitivity to word sounds, meanings, and rhythms in words.

- Logical-mathematical intelligence: here you have the ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and the capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns.

- Spatial-visual intelligence: This is very nice and is the capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly, and we can say that is the ability to fit objects in certain spaces.

- Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: is just the ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully, and believe that this is developed especially when you are a kid.

- Musical intelligence: is the ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timber. I dare to say as a spoiler that this is my weakest intelligence.

- Interpersonal intelligence: is the capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of others.

- Intrapersonal Intelligence; is the capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs, and thinking processes.

- Naturalist intelligence: is the ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals, and other objects in nature. I may say that some of our parents are good at this because they know how to recognize certain types of plants.

- Existential intelligence: the last and the newest, is the sensitivity and capacity to think of deep questions about human existence such as “What is the meaning of life? Why do we die? How did we get here?”

This last is part of my presentation for the class. So, now there is a reason for you to stay and read the next entry.

Let me share with you my results of the multiple intelligence test:

It was a very interesting activity since I had never tried to know what intelligences I am developing better or which I have very well developed. The ones I am stronger at I believe have been unconscious and I did not notice that I had them till now. My weakest intelligence is Musical and Naturality. I like music and I listen to it very often, but I am not a fanboy of music or certain artists, besides that, I have never been good at playing instruments. I believe I do not have good coordination to do so. But, something I am sure of is that not everyone will have the same abilities and that is what makes us different and special among us. I do not feel bad because I am not a fan of music follower because I know that I have better and other types of Intelligence that make me who I am.

martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

 Welcome to the second period of this semester, and there is a lot to tell you. 

We had a little review of the last topic Community Language Learning that we already know, it has the characteristic of having a tribe that always backs you up when needed. There are some other approaches to this teaching method such as content-based and task-based. 

In the first stage, we have the teacher who provides the activities to carry out in the classroom and then we need to split into tribes (groups) and which leads us to the task-based method or second stage where we start developing teamwork tasks in order to fulfill the assignment given. 

To start with the activity, we made up a country named Nautica, the inspiration came from my t-shirt, and we had to take the role of a minister of education, public health, and so on. There were four areas, and the goal was to ask other group peers about their ideas in that same area. Mine was education. 

                      Here we were sharing our own ideas for the areas we were in charge of 

Besides that activity, we were tied to another mate, with a wool string and we were asked to untie it without taking the string our of our hands. I got to say it was very hard that we were not able to do so. Here there is a video proof...

And, as it is a tradition among my friends, we took some pictures not just for the blog but to make fun of ourselves through memes, my favorite is the following one:

We could not escape from "El régimen"

It was a fun activity and learned more about the method. Now, for the next activities we are having some expositions of the different types of intelligence we have naturally and can also develop.

So, I am excited to show what's coming next. This has just started and stay tuned...

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023

Recap of methods in class

 We have got to the last day of this first period during this 2023 semester! Time has gone so fast that I can't even tell you how much I have learned in these few weeks. 

As part of the last activity, we shared with the other groups a little recap of every single method learned. It was very refreshing as a before-quiz activity, so we could talk about what we know. Let me share some pictures with you.

These were some of our mates who shared a method per group, doing a little brief recap.

We finished our chart in the first minutes of class, but we had it almost ready before class. We just glued some definitions and wrote some keywords for the topic.

These are my peers. I am the one holding the chart! I believe there are some potential stickers in this frame we took Jajaja. Fun fact, there are some stickers of us from this class. 

In the second session class of the week we are having our first Midterm to get into the next period, so WISH ME LUCK! and see you soon.

Community Language Learning Method

 As it is described, we have our peers to learn from. In the community language learning method, we are learning that our community, friends, or classmates will back us up every time in the process of learning languages. 

This method has some characteristics such as being focused on speaking, a non-threatening environment to express ideas, learning from my peers and the other way around, everything is natural, and it is better to work with proficient students. 

The ways to implement this method could be listening to podcasts as your preference, we also spoke about some trending topics and recorded ourselves in order to listen to them and get an analysis of the English tense used in class, and a little presentation of what we learned by sharing it with the others groups. 

Would like to see our classroom activity as last day of this period? Follow me to the next Entry!!!


 We have gone through a few interesting methods of learning English. Some of them were more technical to learn grammar or practice speaking, and some others focused on or prioritized vocabulary. Now, let me introduce Suggestopedia as a great way of learning quickly in a relaxed way. How? Join me...

It was created in 1970 by Lozanov. This considers music as a great stimulus to learn and helps you with concentration when carrying out activities either in your house or a classroom. Music is a way to learn, so you can check lyrics, sing, or write. We can't listen to music all the time, but you can also play some games in the classroom. 

In class, we were discussing this method and described SWOT for a better understanding of it. All this while we were listening to music in the background. Music is up to you. I recommend you find and play some relaxing music that does not disturb yourself or the people around you. The music previously used was baroque and classic music, who knows and you will feel like listening to it all the time. 

It was a very quick topic but useful to learn and implement. We are getting closer to the last method and the end of this period. I know you want to learn some more. Now, just stay tuned for more coming teaching and learning methods.

TPR (Total Physical Response)

This following method as described in class and lived by myself is one of the most common and implemented nowadays. I had the opportunity to work in an English academy and be a participant in this method. 

Do you want to know how to develop it and how it works? so let's get into it.

TPR, standing for Total Physical Response, was developed by James Asher. Here, the key is to create an association of the learning language with what we see and how it is originally from our native language.

The main purpose is to learn a lot of new vocabulary, making use of dynamics that involve everyone in the class, so in this way, every student will practice and be integrated into a good free of mistake fear environment. The biggest challenge I think of is that shy people will feel forced to participate.

We carried out some activities where we could be creative and learn new vocabulary. It was very fun. 

In conclusion of this method, if you want to make your class more interactive you should implement TPR because any person at any age can do so and learn. Besides the big advantage is that nobody will get bored with a quick physical learning activity.

Curious about learning more methods to learn languages in a fun way? Keep on track with the following, which is Suggestopedia.

Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...