miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023


 We have gone through a few interesting methods of learning English. Some of them were more technical to learn grammar or practice speaking, and some others focused on or prioritized vocabulary. Now, let me introduce Suggestopedia as a great way of learning quickly in a relaxed way. How? Join me...

It was created in 1970 by Lozanov. This considers music as a great stimulus to learn and helps you with concentration when carrying out activities either in your house or a classroom. Music is a way to learn, so you can check lyrics, sing, or write. We can't listen to music all the time, but you can also play some games in the classroom. 

In class, we were discussing this method and described SWOT for a better understanding of it. All this while we were listening to music in the background. Music is up to you. I recommend you find and play some relaxing music that does not disturb yourself or the people around you. The music previously used was baroque and classic music, who knows and you will feel like listening to it all the time. 

It was a very quick topic but useful to learn and implement. We are getting closer to the last method and the end of this period. I know you want to learn some more. Now, just stay tuned for more coming teaching and learning methods.

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...