miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Presentation about multiple Intelligences - Round III

 On the last exposition day, we were taught with Intrapersonal, Existential, and Naturalist Intelligence. They were very educational and the activities were fun and amusing. 

For the Intrapersonal Intelligence our classmates had to express feelings through some papers that had a face representing sadness, happiness, anger, and so on.

For the Naturalist Intelligence our classmates gave us characteristics as every intelligence and what we were all waiting for... the activity; in the activity, they had a mystery box where our peers had to take their hands in and guess what was inside, some were nervous since they had no clue about the object. You should have seen this at the right moment in class: 

And the last group was the best of them, ours. Ja ja ja. All groups did really good. Were presented the existential intelligence which was somewhat hard because is the last intelligence discovered by Howard, so, it required some good research to be able of giving the best exposition possible.

For the activity time, Jonathan carried out the activity where there were 4 groups of 5 or 6 people. Firstly, they gave compliments to each other and then discussed an existential question such as What is death? What is life? and so on. It was a good and dynamic activity and made us think deeper about this type of question.

This is how we finished our expositions and learned about the type of Intelligence throughout the weeks. Stay with me for the next entries because we have more to learn in the following classes.

See you!!! 

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...