lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

First class. Group 1 & 2


Welcome to the new entry. This week we started with the class, there were around 15 students which incredibly surprised me because I did not expect to see this amount of students. This is good because there will be many group activities and some participation. 

In the first class, the group started with a greeting that helped to know each student's name. They made a circle and practiced a  memory with their names. Then the group taught the alphabet followed by the verb to be. The group implemented different activities that involved students to engage with the class in each of the topics. Some of the activities implemented required passing a bag with questions that the students had to answer and so. 

Personally, it was a bit hard for the first group to be involved with the class since there were students of different ages and English levels, and they did not really know each of the students. It makes it a bit challenging since the students are not labeled with the same age and English level.  So, congrats to the first two groups of this first class!

In the second group class, they taught grammar starting with some chart activity and then explaining grammar. For practice, they made use of the controlled and free activities. Later on, as I am not wrong they created a little conversation. Some students had some knowledge of English as I mentioned previously and I think it helped to the community to learn from each other and the teachers to spot the better-level students. Finally, they wrap it up with random questions about what they learned. 

That is how the groups developed their class which was a bit hard without knowing the real English level of the students in this first session. 

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