martes, 28 de marzo de 2023

Presentations about multiple intelligences - Round I - II

 These past few days, we have had great presentations from our peers. It was very educative regarding the types of intelligence there are, and I knew more about what I am good at. If you want to know about them I suggest you check my last Entry ( where I give a brief summary of what the Intelligences are about.

Here I will show you my classmates giving their best in the presentations... Let's see...

The first Intelligence presented was Spatial Intelligence which I consider it one of my best, in some areas though jajaja I can not be fully good at them. 

We had an activity where we should build a rectangle with pieces forming squares and triangles ending in a rectangle. It seemed easy but it was hard. The following image was the piece we were challenged to form.

The next week we had the Logical-mathematical Intelligence presentation. I believe most of us did not like this kind of Intelligence because we are not good at math. But, it does not mean it is only about it, it can be something more logical such as puzzles, mazes, or memory games. We had the next activity.

And, here is an example os the game the group implemented in the classroom.

For the following topic we had the Kinesthetic Intelligence where people can learn through body movement some words, communication, and so on. This is very useful when learning new languages too. As an activity we had some mimic game where we competed against other teams. 

We were by far the best team. Nothing we can brag about, but it is what it is jaja.

Finally, we had the linguistic and musical intelligence presented by two different groups. I need to be honest and say that musical Intelligence is my weakness, I am not good at all.

And, this is how we concluded the 1st and 2nd presentations of this 2nd period. The following week I have my group's presentation, stay aware so you will know what we did. 

See you soon!!

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