martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

 Welcome to the second period of this semester, and there is a lot to tell you. 

We had a little review of the last topic Community Language Learning that we already know, it has the characteristic of having a tribe that always backs you up when needed. There are some other approaches to this teaching method such as content-based and task-based. 

In the first stage, we have the teacher who provides the activities to carry out in the classroom and then we need to split into tribes (groups) and which leads us to the task-based method or second stage where we start developing teamwork tasks in order to fulfill the assignment given. 

To start with the activity, we made up a country named Nautica, the inspiration came from my t-shirt, and we had to take the role of a minister of education, public health, and so on. There were four areas, and the goal was to ask other group peers about their ideas in that same area. Mine was education. 

                      Here we were sharing our own ideas for the areas we were in charge of 

Besides that activity, we were tied to another mate, with a wool string and we were asked to untie it without taking the string our of our hands. I got to say it was very hard that we were not able to do so. Here there is a video proof...

And, as it is a tradition among my friends, we took some pictures not just for the blog but to make fun of ourselves through memes, my favorite is the following one:

We could not escape from "El régimen"

It was a fun activity and learned more about the method. Now, for the next activities we are having some expositions of the different types of intelligence we have naturally and can also develop.

So, I am excited to show what's coming next. This has just started and stay tuned...

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...