s谩bado, 30 de septiembre de 2023

Third Class - Group 5th & 6th

 Here we are once again for a new week's Entry!

This week we had the class delivered by groups five and six teaching classroom objects, verb to be, and numbers.

Group 5

The group started with checking the vocabulary students knew about classroom objects, and with numbers too. The group started teaching numbers and the pronunciation of each. We can also count it as a review. They moved afterward to the practice where students learned how to ask for the phone number, ID number, and age. There was interaction in the classroom because students asked and practiced the learned topic. Followed by the little practice they had, students learned vocabulary about classroom objects and practiced some sentences. Finally, they had a practice on paper and then shared answers. 

It was a good class since students now seemed to be more comfortable and engaged in the class since they have spent some more time together as students and the teachers have given them the chance to participate and so. 

Group 6

The group started with a nice warm-up using an online quiz in which students had to guess the country where the image presented belonged. As the first activity, they taught the verb to be in the negative form so that students understand the use of NOT grammatically, along with some examples. So students practiced some sentences using the transformation method to implement what was just explained. Lastly, students had a practice on paper with a partner and shared what they answered, followed by the wrap-up making a recap of the day's learning. 

It was a good class keeping students focused on the practice and explanation, especially the first activity which was sort of breathtaking of the typical topic introduction. 


So far this will make this week's Entry, hope you like it!

See you soon!

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Second class - 3rd and 4th Group

 I hope you are having an amazing day! It is Blog posting time.

This week we had the second class practice for our subject. There was a good number of attendance, lower than last week, but still very good to have a great class and learning time. So let's get the details of each class so that you have an idea of what really was like. 

Group 3 

The third group used listening as the teaching method for this first session. It was a recap of greeting, verb to be in affirmative, and spelling as topics learned last week. They started their warm-up by playing an audio while Students were given with a piece of paper which they would underline with the correct answer from the listening. Then they recalled the verb to be structure, in this activity they had a very good interaction with students. The team quickly reviewed the alphabet and continued with spelling practice. Followed by this they played a couple of audios and students had papers with the questions that they needed to answer, and even made a guessing activity. They finished asking students what they had learned about the class.

It was a good session of listening for the students and the group did good by interacting with students as much as they could. 馃槑

Group 4

The fourth group started with a circle made with students and with the hot potato activitiy they answered some questions. The group asked about ways to greet people and carried out a comprehension test. Once the activities finished they picked students to practice a conversation, it was a basic conversation guided and one free making use of the topics they learned. As a wrap-up, they played the hot potato and picked students to ask questions about what they learned in class and that is the way they finished this session. 

There was a good interaction between the students and the teaching group. The students were able to understand most of the activities and enjoyed the two classes. 


This is it for today's Blog. I hope you like it and just wait for the next week's class!

See you then!

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

First class. Group 1 & 2


Welcome to the new entry. This week we started with the class, there were around 15 students which incredibly surprised me because I did not expect to see this amount of students. This is good because there will be many group activities and some participation. 

In the first class, the group started with a greeting that helped to know each student's name. They made a circle and practiced a  memory with their names. Then the group taught the alphabet followed by the verb to be. The group implemented different activities that involved students to engage with the class in each of the topics. Some of the activities implemented required passing a bag with questions that the students had to answer and so. 

Personally, it was a bit hard for the first group to be involved with the class since there were students of different ages and English levels, and they did not really know each of the students. It makes it a bit challenging since the students are not labeled with the same age and English level.  So, congrats to the first two groups of this first class!

In the second group class, they taught grammar starting with some chart activity and then explaining grammar. For practice, they made use of the controlled and free activities. Later on, as I am not wrong they created a little conversation. Some students had some knowledge of English as I mentioned previously and I think it helped to the community to learn from each other and the teachers to spot the better-level students. Finally, they wrap it up with random questions about what they learned. 

That is how the groups developed their class which was a bit hard without knowing the real English level of the students in this first session. 

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023

Feedback and Group´s Planning

Hello there my mates!馃懡

This past class was a bit chill since it was the last theoretical class before we start teaching classes to English learners next week. The class began with the teacher arranging to have the groups listed for next week's classes. We are the group five and we are developing the listening activities on October 5th, we can include activities of listening for Numbers, Verb to Be, and Classroom objects. It will be very important to know how the other groups carry out their activities because it will give us an idea of what the students would know and what we can teach to reinforce those topics so that it does not get boring or repetitive to them. 

There you have the leaders of each group ready to know when they are teaching.

In the next part of the class, we had a group meeting with the teacher regarding the class we delivered at the end of last semester to give us some feedback and the score. He started asking us what we liked and what we would change if we could repeat that class. One detail we all agreed on was that we were running out of time with the activities but still were able to complete them all. In a nutshell, the teacher told us it was a great class despite the odds and that we delivered good activities. 

I hope that when we start the real classes everything will get very exciting. That would do it for today, a short Entry, next week we have the first class so stay tuned!

PDP (Pre, During, and Post)

 Hi there!

This week we had the class about implementing PDP as a method to develop a class. This focuses a bit more on reading and listening making use of different activities to develop receptive skills in the students. 

For the purpose of understanding better the methodology, the teacher started introducing a topic of Holistic Medicine that would help as a guide for the planning

Pre: In this step, the teacher showed the topic´s passage which is very important for students to have, The teacher highlighted that giving the passage to students will be ideal for them. You also give the vocabulary to students and start explaining through an activity. 

During: Once the students have understood the main topic we start with some questions or a couple activities that make them socialize and so on. It is very important that they are active and interacting with the class. You will include activities or questions that are related to the passage certainly. 

Post: Reached this point your goal should be fulfilled and accomplished, so students should be able to talk and know about the topic. In this scenario, you will have more freedom, if you have time, to implement some more engaging activities. You are free to use the same topic or other, and most importantly to make use of other learning skills.


So it will be all for today and I hope you read me next Entry!

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2023

Period 2 - First classes

 Hi, you once again!

I will show you how the classes of grammar and vocabulary were delivered this last August 24th. It was a very good day and very fun, why? There were 4 groups and we had to dress accordingly to teach a topic, but somehow every group dressed in black JA JA JA. It was kind of shocking if you get in the classroom. 


Group #1馃槉

The first groups taught Hospital vocabulary. They had some interesting activities that implemented good interaction among students. Many words were very technical but I knew some by watching the series, maybe, that helped a bit. 

One of the words I remember learning is Prognosis which means a sort of foreseeing state after you are off sick. 

Group #2馃榾

The second group taught the Third Conditional. They started with a song and we need to identify the conditional in the lyrics as warm-up. It is very simple, we use the condition "if" with past perfect and then the result using "would + have + past participle", We use it when we talk mostly about regrets of the past, a situation we wish never happened. It was interactive and so on.

Group #3馃槃

The third group was teaching Culinary vocabulary. I really liked it because 80% of the words were known to me and I can remember some as mise on place (which means to have everything ready before cooking) Most of the words were from French and it was fun to mix languages somehow. 

Group #4馃槍

The last but not least group was ours, we taught the Second conditional which is for unreal or imaginary situations, for this, we use the condition "if" + simple past and then "would" to represent something that is not and even existed before, example: if I had superpowers I would teleport to the moon. 

It is a very short description of the activities but they were so varied that I barely remember activities by group. Hopefully next classes we will be teaching different people.


Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...