sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2023

Third Class - Group 5th & 6th

 Here we are once again for a new week's Entry!

This week we had the class delivered by groups five and six teaching classroom objects, verb to be, and numbers.

Group 5

The group started with checking the vocabulary students knew about classroom objects, and with numbers too. The group started teaching numbers and the pronunciation of each. We can also count it as a review. They moved afterward to the practice where students learned how to ask for the phone number, ID number, and age. There was interaction in the classroom because students asked and practiced the learned topic. Followed by the little practice they had, students learned vocabulary about classroom objects and practiced some sentences. Finally, they had a practice on paper and then shared answers. 

It was a good class since students now seemed to be more comfortable and engaged in the class since they have spent some more time together as students and the teachers have given them the chance to participate and so. 

Group 6

The group started with a nice warm-up using an online quiz in which students had to guess the country where the image presented belonged. As the first activity, they taught the verb to be in the negative form so that students understand the use of NOT grammatically, along with some examples. So students practiced some sentences using the transformation method to implement what was just explained. Lastly, students had a practice on paper with a partner and shared what they answered, followed by the wrap-up making a recap of the day's learning. 

It was a good class keeping students focused on the practice and explanation, especially the first activity which was sort of breathtaking of the typical topic introduction. 


So far this will make this week's Entry, hope you like it!

See you soon!

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