lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023

PDP (Pre, During, and Post)

 Hi there!

This week we had the class about implementing PDP as a method to develop a class. This focuses a bit more on reading and listening making use of different activities to develop receptive skills in the students. 

For the purpose of understanding better the methodology, the teacher started introducing a topic of Holistic Medicine that would help as a guide for the planning

Pre: In this step, the teacher showed the topic´s passage which is very important for students to have, The teacher highlighted that giving the passage to students will be ideal for them. You also give the vocabulary to students and start explaining through an activity. 

During: Once the students have understood the main topic we start with some questions or a couple activities that make them socialize and so on. It is very important that they are active and interacting with the class. You will include activities or questions that are related to the passage certainly. 

Post: Reached this point your goal should be fulfilled and accomplished, so students should be able to talk and know about the topic. In this scenario, you will have more freedom, if you have time, to implement some more engaging activities. You are free to use the same topic or other, and most importantly to make use of other learning skills.


So it will be all for today and I hope you read me next Entry!

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