lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Second class - 3rd and 4th Group

 I hope you are having an amazing day! It is Blog posting time.

This week we had the second class practice for our subject. There was a good number of attendance, lower than last week, but still very good to have a great class and learning time. So let's get the details of each class so that you have an idea of what really was like. 

Group 3 

The third group used listening as the teaching method for this first session. It was a recap of greeting, verb to be in affirmative, and spelling as topics learned last week. They started their warm-up by playing an audio while Students were given with a piece of paper which they would underline with the correct answer from the listening. Then they recalled the verb to be structure, in this activity they had a very good interaction with students. The team quickly reviewed the alphabet and continued with spelling practice. Followed by this they played a couple of audios and students had papers with the questions that they needed to answer, and even made a guessing activity. They finished asking students what they had learned about the class.

It was a good session of listening for the students and the group did good by interacting with students as much as they could. 😎

Group 4

The fourth group started with a circle made with students and with the hot potato activitiy they answered some questions. The group asked about ways to greet people and carried out a comprehension test. Once the activities finished they picked students to practice a conversation, it was a basic conversation guided and one free making use of the topics they learned. As a wrap-up, they played the hot potato and picked students to ask questions about what they learned in class and that is the way they finished this session. 

There was a good interaction between the students and the teaching group. The students were able to understand most of the activities and enjoyed the two classes. 


This is it for today's Blog. I hope you like it and just wait for the next week's class!

See you then!

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