lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023

Feedback and Group´s Planning

Hello there my mates!đź‘˝

This past class was a bit chill since it was the last theoretical class before we start teaching classes to English learners next week. The class began with the teacher arranging to have the groups listed for next week's classes. We are the group five and we are developing the listening activities on October 5th, we can include activities of listening for Numbers, Verb to Be, and Classroom objects. It will be very important to know how the other groups carry out their activities because it will give us an idea of what the students would know and what we can teach to reinforce those topics so that it does not get boring or repetitive to them. 

There you have the leaders of each group ready to know when they are teaching.

In the next part of the class, we had a group meeting with the teacher regarding the class we delivered at the end of last semester to give us some feedback and the score. He started asking us what we liked and what we would change if we could repeat that class. One detail we all agreed on was that we were running out of time with the activities but still were able to complete them all. In a nutshell, the teacher told us it was a great class despite the odds and that we delivered good activities. 

I hope that when we start the real classes everything will get very exciting. That would do it for today, a short Entry, next week we have the first class so stay tuned!

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...