sábado, 7 de octubre de 2023

Fourth Class - Group 7th & 8th

 Good to see you back here!

This week the last two groups participated as teachers, and I hope you like it.

Group 7

This time we had the chance to prepare and teach a class of listening. I started with the warm-up activity where students had some fun and learned at the same time. Then Maria taught briefly the numbers and practiced a little bit along with Miriam who had an interactive activity where students learned new vocabulary about the classroom objects. Then we had some listening activities delivered by Nathaly and Dani. One activity with an audio played by Dani where students had to write the numbers or classroom objects from the audio itself. Nathaly had a Student-Student activity that involved a role play that reinforced their listening to details. Finally, I ended the class with a wrap-up where students asked vocabulary to each other and reviewed what they learned.

We really enjoyed teaching this time and had a nice time with the students. It was joyful to retake the teaching path which I like very much connecting with people and knowing that you have the power to make a difference and be a reference in their lives is what you enjoy the most. 


Group 8

After break time, the next group taught reading. Starting with Mauricio teaching a warm-up activity where the students had to place the correct order of the sentences. Then, started with the grammar explanation of the negative form of a verb and eventually a quick practice. One of the practices they had needed the students to ask each other, they had a reading activity first and shared their answers after. They practiced comprehension and ended up with a wrap-up asking students how they felt about the class and what they understood. 

It was a good class since the teachers created a nice connection with students and great energy that helped to engage too. 

Next week we continue with the classes and be aware of new topics coming soon!😎

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...