sábado, 14 de octubre de 2023

2nd Round of Class: Group 1 & 2

 Welcome to one more class! This time we started with the second round.

This time we were assigned different topics for teaching and this week was about Daily Routines. It is now a better opportunity to teach more and motivate students to learn a bit more every day. 

Group 1

The group started with a Charade activity that helped students to engage easily and lead a good environment with the class. The teachers began with the vocabulary about Daily routines along with Frequency Adverbs followed by a practice on paper about Adverbs. Then, the second practice involved student interaction using the frequency adverbs. Students later wrote their routines and shared them with the class. To end up with the class, teachers made a review of the daily routine. 

It was a good class and students understood the topic and were able to develop each of the activities. 


Group 2

The second started after a well-deserved break. For the warm-up, the teachers had a memory game about other's routines. They focused on grammar as the main method, they taught simple present in the negative form along with some practice. The highlight of this class was the game "Who Wants to be Millionaire" where students enjoyed the activity and were engaged in the practice along with some fun. The activity was created with wardwall which is a great platform for having interactions with students and learning. Finally, to close the class they played the game Tic Tac Toe focused in grammar which was a great idea. 

It was a great interactional class. Students learned new things and enjoyed the class.


This is it for this Entry. Hope you like it and We will get updated soon!

1 comentario:

Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...