sábado, 3 de junio de 2023


 Hello Everyone! This may sound nice for some and sad at the same time for all but this is the last Entry of this first-year semester

 and to close it the best way we had demonstrations of the teaching skills (speaking, writing, listening, and reading). There were four groups total and let me share some pictures of them and how it was as the final activity in English Didactics I.

How did they do?


There were two groups presenting the Listening into a class demonstration and now it was our time to SHINE! The activities we picked were simple. The first activity was about a single listening where students needed to grab as many verbs as they could, but what they did not really know is that we had a Kahoot game right after the activity which was surprising somehow. 😄 Then we played a piece of Twenty-One Pilots - Ride where a group of students was asked to pile the right lyrics in the order it was sung, adding that it was a fast part of the song, and the rest of students had to write at least two sentences and identify what grammar tense it was. 

The second listening group had some entertaining activities such as Telephone where 2 groups had to pass the message by whispering it and the last person in the raw had to say aloud the sentence received, nobody transmitted the full message. 😂 And, they played a song and we had a group of words so we needed to listen and circle the word we caught from the lyrics. It was challenging I got to say. 



All the speaking activities were really interesting since they involved a large group of the class and the activities carried out were creating a story out of an image but the story would be shared in the group and had to make sense. The same group developed the use of modal verbs with which students had 15 seconds to give advice about a situation given and so. They also developed a spelling contest, it was fun to see. 

The second group based their activity on an opinion, here we were given the question *what age is too young or too old to get a tattoo?* and as usual I was asked to answer 😁

For writing demonstrations we had some activities that involved organizing words in a sentence and writing an invitation letter where mine was about a life party planned by spider-man 😅 

The next group asked us to write a sentence out our names spelling, example> F- future, E - extrovert, and so on. I would lie to you if I tell you what I wrote 😇 neither I took a picture of it, sorry. but it was a good activity. 

So, many of us like reading, and some others do not. Although that brings me a conflict when comes to reading since I really like reading and I consider I have good comprehension, nonetheless, when reading is something demanded and I do not feel like reading I do not get any idea, not like that but I do not really focus on the lecture. These groups came with some texts to read, the first group provided us a text about cybersecurity and then answer some questions, I did not do that well though. Later, we completed a puzzle about the same topic. 

The second group included a text along a Hot Potato game whereinto the ball there were questions about the reading which I had and needed to answer, and I did not pass it 😅 I am telling you when I need to learn from the reading I need to be alone and focused 100% into the text to better comprehend what it is written. But, it was challenging and I liked it. 


We finished one more semester and with this, we count nine already! We are about to be graduates and I did not believe I would be this far hehe 😅😌 I am very glad of how much I learned these few months but it is guaranteed that there will be more knowledge around the corner in order to have the teacher knowledge. 
I got to thank teacher Orlando for being really kind and supportive with the class and let him know that he is a great teacher and I can see how passionate he is about it. 

See you next semester. TIME FOR SOME REST!! 😊

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...