lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Teaching Receptive Skills

             Welcome back to a new blog Entry! This time we learn about teaching receptive skills.

                                                   What does teaching receptive skills mean?

You will probably remember in your first years of learning that your English teacher always brings their tape recorder everywhere for listening activities in the classroom. This is so important for the student to develop their comprehension through listening, it also can be by podcasts, music, movies, etc. 

Same as reading, students need to read so that they are able to improve their comprehension and their vocabulary, and others like communication skills. It is important that they know the differentiated instructions to meet the need of the students and in this way, you will have an impact on the learning of the students.

In each of these approaches, you will need materials, for listening the well-mentioned tape recorder, podcasts, videos, etc, and for reading you may have an easy reading, something short for better timing and comprehension, and information that can be productive and easy to soak by the student depending on their level. 

And that is a bit of what the receptive skills are about. I am pretty sure that this will help anybody to understand better and do a good job as teachers because the way you measure the success of teacher is by the progress of their students. 

Have a good time and I will see you in the upcoming Entries where we are going to develop all these activities in the classroom.

See you in a bit!!

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