martes, 18 de julio de 2023

First Last Day.

hi there everyone! I hope you are doing terrific. So yes, this is the first day of our last semester at the University. We are all excited about what is coming next and this day was full of surprises too, I will tell you why...

In the class, the teacher Orlando had a surprise test from previous courses that he had even SEMESTERS ago! I honestly did not remember any of it but it was very refreshing after our break we could review each of the questions and we were able to discuss and so. I scored 4 out of 15 questions. I will not show you my test but I tell you that it was not applicable to the semester's grades, gladly. 

During the first period, we will have theory classes but in the last two, we are going to be teaching finally. It will be very exciting after a long time without teaching for me. We need to get at least twenty students for this class, meanwhile, it is time to plan our classes. 

Ready to teach and continue learning.

See you in the coming entries.

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...