sábado, 15 de abril de 2023

Learning Styles

 After a well-deserved Easter Break, we are back on track to learn. And... talking about learning now I have been taught about the different Learning Styles there are.

We know that there are different types of intelligence, and along with this, there are different ways to learn that are somehow related or connected. These are the following:

- Visual: visual learners prefer to see information such as pictures, diagrams, and cartoons, they picture words they hear as images, they easily get distracted in lectures without visual aids, and they benefit from using charts, maps, notes, or flashcards when studying.

- Auditory: here they prefer to hear the information given, can absorb information effortlessly, do not need much note-taking, avoid eye contact for their concentration, may read aloud, and they like background music when studying.

- Kinesthetic: this is the area where they prefer to touch as their primary mode for taking in information, creating study sheets linked through lively examples, and may benefit by using manipulatives mainly. 

- Read/write: the learners like lists and words to keep ideas, they remember information as words without using visual aids, emphasize text-based input and output, and prefer Powerpoint, internet, dictionaries and so on.

That day, after receiving all this information, we prepared a little presentation about the learning styles by applying it with explaining a different topic. I got to say that all this happened between before-eastern and after-easter. The preparation was before, so I will share with you some of the group's preparation. 

As the final result in the week after Easter Break, we had the presentations. Our idea was to explain the learning styles by implementing them in real-time.

It was a really good presentation and I believe everybody liked it. There are more fun things on the go... so check the next Entry.

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