domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

Describing Learners.

 As we understood the learning styles, it is time to describe them. 

Let´s remember those learning styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write. Now, to describe them we take into consideration aspects such as age, learner differences, language levels, motivation, and background. 

1. Age. For age, we have young children, adolescents, and adults. With each of them, we got to identify the approach we are having, in that way, we are able to communicate and have a certain engagement with students.

2. Learner Differences. Here, we need to identify the intelligence that these students may present so we have the idea of a better way to work with them.

3. Motivation. Understanding that we have students, so whose goal is to reach a certain level of knowledge, meaning, there is a means to reach that goal they have, we need to work with the motivation towards what they want, being their propeller.

4. Background. There is something beyond attending class, every learner has a background that we as teachers need to value. Sometimes, they come from a hard time situation in life and that is why they lose motivation, they have a scholarship, and so on. 

So, it is helpful when turning into a teacher. It is something to take into account.

Besides that, we had a visit from the call center Cognizant about how to be ready for a job interview and prepare your CV formally and professionally. 

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Last class

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