jueves, 26 de octubre de 2023

2nd Round of Class: Groups 5 & 6

 Hi mates once again!


This week we had groups 5 & 6 teaching. It was time for our group to give a great class to the students. So, let's get into it.

Group 5

We started the warm-up with Miriam having a dynamic activity using some "knots". It was for students to engage with teachers and create this confident environment. To start the topic, the teacher, this time it was me, started teaching the difference between a clock and a watch and move to a recall of numbers. The numbers were focused in the one used for the time (hours and minutes). Then students had a little practice with some clock to check out what they were learning by the time. Teacher, Maria, asked students to check down of their student desks a piece of paper that was taped. The paper has some questions and students would also answer what they see on the board related to the activity. Then, students will have a creative cardboard clock which helps them to point out the time and then share answers with their classmates. A group activity was done too, boys vs girls, that required students to guess the time. To conclude the class, teacher Miriam had an activity of Bingo, here students needed to play in groups and the teacher would give a paper with the first drawing, and the one who completes one line first would win. 

It was a great class, though there were not that many students to share this lesson with but we enjoyed teaching and the few coming learned something new for sure. 


Group 6

Group number 6 started with an intro to the topic of "there is" and "there are" in Spanish so that students could have an idea of the real use of it by asking the students themselves questions about something that there was in the classroom. Then, teachers moved on to explain the topic and even added how to use it not only in the present but past and future. Teachers were able to engage with students and have a neutral tone of voice and were able to explain or clarify any student's question. Once they were done with grammar and explanation it was time to practice what was taught students had the idea by giving some examples and later on had a quick practice on the board by writing some examples and another group of students would classify is it was singular, plural, future, past, or present. To end It up, they asked students what they learned and they remembered from the current class. 

It was a good class too, I was able to participate as a student too, and help with the participation and so on. 

This would be the last class we taught at the University, and the experience was very nice and we really enjoyed it, to even add that some students said the time flew when we had our intervention. This would be it so far and I will see you in two weeks because we have a holiday in-between. 

Have a great time till next class!👽✌

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Last class

Hi there this is the last class of the semester and we are excited to finish it with the best attitude possible with the students who have b...