domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023

Presentation - Practice - Production (PPP)

Hi there! 

This time I am explaining to you the PPP which is a lesson planning framework that every teacher should implement in the class. So, I want to simplify them one by one. PPP stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production. 

Presentation. This is the right time for the teacher to explain what the topic is, how to use it, and provide all the details. Here the teacher is able to answer any doubt about and explain it.

Practice. In the practice time, the teacher starts interacting with the students and vice versa. You can carry out some activities that involve the interaction of students with the topic that are learning and you have two types of practice, controlled practice (some activities that minimize the mistakes in students and that they have just optional answers) and free practice (where the teacher´s creativity will bright so that students challenge themselves to dive in the topic opened to make mistakes)

Production. The students will show what they have learned at this point, they go alone at this moment of the class. The mistakes are reduced because they should have been corrected through practice time. 


We also were taught that warm-up and wrap-up time can not exceed 5 minutes since they are very short activities. Something extremely important is that you split the class toward a student-centered production, meaning, the time for the production should be enough that Ss can interact with the topic for a longer period of time which stimulates the learning process of students. 

This will do it, I know it is a shorter Entry but soon the class practice is on the way for this semester. 

See you in the next Entry! Stay tuned!! 👽

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