miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

Voice Projection

 This week we had an interesting topic that I did not know teachers were taught with. In order to know more just join me next so you also know what this is about.

Voice projection is the strength of speaking. Thanks to this teachers are able to speak out loud clearly. So, it all starts from the expansion in the diaphragm where we accumulate air and use that same air to produce strength in the vocal tract that generates a strong voice without hurting your throat. 

We had some fun and useful practice with the whole classroom in order to work out our voice projection. Before this, we watched a video explaining the commercial voice which are>

* Organizational 

* Sales

* Natural

It is very hard to highlight the differences between practice but theoretically is

- Organizatinal. Mostly used for formal conferences or ads on TV. It is neutral and conveys formality.

- Sales. This is a bit more interactive with the voice and you sound more catchy for you to grab the listener's attention and sound persuasive.

- Natural. For some is harder to reach this tone, but the fast way to explain is that you sound with intonation and make it the most natural possible to one's ear.

Our classmate Nidia works on the radio every morning and has experience with voice projection. Fortunately, she was giving some tips on the best use of our voice and taking advantage of it. 

Besides that, We had some practice where we made two rows one in front of the other we had a conversation, but the teacher will say "move" and we must have step back to continue the conversation, so in this way, we could have a good voice projection.

But the most fun is that we had to imitate "female", "infant", and "male" voices as part of the practice of imitation too. Even we pretended we were top models and kind of flirt using expressions. It was good for confidence exercises. 

It was pretty much it this week. In the next one, we will practice a movie scene and have a pantomime scene too. stay safe and aware of the next Entry!!

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