lunes, 27 de febrero de 2023

Audiolingual Method

 The audiolingual method is more time student-centered in most activities. From here and now the teaching methods were modifying the approach to students. The audio-lingual practice is used along with visual support reinforcing a stimulus on repeating. 

It is also known as the Army Method, why? It has its origins in World War II based on behavioral psychology where listening and speaking go before writing and reading. Its mission is to repeat after one person.

One of the activities we did was to read and repeat out loud after the teacher or 2 students into a conversation. It may be boys and girls or just a two-split group. 

Some techniques are: 

The main 4 practiced were repetition drill, substitution drill, Q&A drill, and transformation drill.

It was a very fun practice topic, but I bet you will like more the coming ones. I will tell you why in the next Entry.

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